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The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) was created to fund research that could have near-term impact on cancer and other diseases that were common to military personnel as well as to others. One of the several areas of emphasis is cancer and a particular instance is prostate cancer. Every year money is allocated to fund proposals that address the needs of persons diagnosed with prostate cancer. In recent years that has amounted to around $90 million per year. Proposals are solicited from academic and other research institutions to address specific areas of need. These proposals are reviewed at two levels, a technical and impact level and at a program level. The initial review for technical and impact appropriateness includes one or more panel members who are survivors of the particular disease or who are closely allied with someone with the disease. These Consumer Advocates provide valuable input to the technical reviewers with respect to potential impact and relevance of the proposals to needs they have personally experienced. IPRS is proud to sponsor a Consumer Advocate for participating in the review of Prostate Cancer proposals and encourages other cancer survivors to consider volunteering to participate in such a review panel. For more information about the program see the following websites: In the 2024 funding cycle there are a number of areas of emphasis besides Prostate Cancer. In years past there has been an emphasis on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Gulf War Illness, Hearing Restoration, Lupus, Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury and Vision and Health Disparities among ethnic groups. For volunteering to be a Consumer Advocate Reviewer contact:
Thank you for helping end the scourge of cancer and other dread diseases! |
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