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Innovative Products Research & Services, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) non profit organization based in Massachusetts
Putting Creativity to Good Use
Inventor Services
* Evaluations
Wisconsin Innovation Service Center - https://www.uww.edu/wisc/about
* Manufacturers
Another need of inventors is to find manufacturers who are open to licensing. Generally a blanket letter to manufacturers based merely on their SIC code is inadequate at best. Beware of firms who charge large fees to carry out such a campaign on your behalf. The best contacts are often through the trade associations and at trade shows. Some linkages to lists of trade shows are provided below.
Directory of Trade Associations - http://www.marketingsource.com/associations
Directory of Trade Shows - e.g. http://www.tradeshowbiz.com/
Often the inventor needs design assistance and quotations from manufacturers. Industrial design firms found in the Yellow Pages are not usually geared to providing low cost services to the independent inventor. Local vocational schools, engineering schools and inventor support groups can provide valuable leads. In addition, trade shows for custom manufacturers soliciting business can provide a wealth of information and contacts. One organization that puts on such shows in the New England area is:
JobShops - Job Shop Shows (use Google or similar search engine to locate one near you)
One may also go to the Thomas Register or Regional Directories - http://www.thomasnet.com
* Financing
Yet another need for inventors is financing. It would be unusual for inventors to find money form mainline venture capital firms. It is more likely that interest could be generated with so called "angel investors". One way to access these is through networks of investors. These networks can be found in major cities and/or academic centers (as in Greater Boston, San Francisco/Silicon Valley and Raleigh-Durham-RTP in North Carolina). Networks often focus on particular kinds of technology such as electronics/software or biotech. Two examples are provided below.
* Technology Capital Network - MIT (https://www.mit.edu). Google
MIT Entrepreneurship Center
* North Carolina Biotechnology Center (https://www.ncbiotech.org)
Government sources of money may be appropriate. Check out the following:
* US Department of Energy - http://www.energy.gov
* U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
* SBDC - Small Business Development Corporation
* SCORE - Service Core of Retired Executives - regional centers
* SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) programs of federal agencies
* Marketing
Market research data is available through many resources including the Bureau of Census of Manufacturers, Department of Commerce and Predicasts F&S Index.
"Guide to Developing a Market Plan" and "Guide to Developing a Business Plan" are booklets authored by Dr. Donald Job. The were previously published under the umbrella of Haley Publications. Another publication, The Inventors Guide - Getting Beyond the Invention, also authored by Dr. Donald Job is currently out of print but may be made available in electronic form. Contact the author at donjob@enbede.com.
* Other Assistance
Linkages to patent and invention development services and sources of technology
US Patent and Trademark Office - https://www.uspto.gov
Patent Search Page for USPTO - patent full-text database
Licensing Executives Society - https://www.lesusacanada.org
Technology Transfer Society. See example events at DC chapter. https://t2sdc.org
Association of University Technology Managers - AUTM
Enbede Co. - Invention Developer & Licensing Broker - http://www.enbede.com
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Revised: February 16, 2024