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Innovative Products Research & Services, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Massachusetts
Basic Research on Muscles, Nerves and Electrolytes by Dr. Job
We have been engaged in basic research on the role and interactions of electrolytes in
muscles and nerves for more than 40 years. The work has included work on smooth muscle
as well as skeletal muscle. The species studied ranged from sponges and plants to mammals including humans.
We have also engaged in research on innervation of muscle and the experiencing
of pain emanating from skeletal muscle. Research tools have included
radioisotope labeling, biochemical analysis, electrophysiology and
computer-based signal processing. Outputs have included biophysical models as
well as a number of discoveries and published findings. See more details and
links below.
Job, D.
D. "Ionic basis of intestinal electrical activity." Am. J. Physiol.
217: 1533-1541, 1969
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AJP 217: 1533, 1969
Job, D.
D. "Effects of antibiotics and selective inhibitors of ATP on
intestinal slow waves." Am. J. Physiol.
220 (2): 299-306, 1971.
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AJP 220: 299, 1971
D. D.
and W. Griffing and B. Rodda. "A possible origin of intestinal gradients
and their relation to motility." Am. J. Physiol. 226 (6):
1510-1515, 1974.
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AJP 226: 1510, 1974
D. D., W. E. Bloomquist and J. Bridgeforth. "Correlations between
electrolyte content and spontaneous electrical activity in intestinal
muscle." Am. J. Physiol. 226(6): 1502-1509, 1974.
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AJP 226: 1502, 1974
Job, D. D. and W.E. Bloomquist. "Correlations between ionic contents
in different regions and layers of intestinal muscle." Am. J. Physiol.
226(6): 1496-1501, 1974.
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AJP 226: 1496, 1974
Lui, J., C. L. Prosser and D. D. Job "Ionic dependence of slow waves and spikes in
intestinal muscle." Am. J. Physiol. 217: 1542-1550, 1969.
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AJP 217: 1542-1550, 1969
D. D. and B. J. Cerimele and S. R. Lawrence. "Computer analysis of
intestinal motility" Fed. Proc. 33(3): 391, Paper #1020, 1974.
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FASEB-1974, Fourier Analysis Abstract
Job, D. D. and B. Cerimele. "Fourier analysis of electrical activity from different regions of the gastro-intestinal tract: Biophysics Journal 13: 199a, 1973.
____________ and K. Martlage. "Calcium ion complexes with phospholipids." Biophysical Journal 11: 57a, 1971.
____________ "The effects of metabolic inhibitors on phosphate efflux from smooth muscle." Fed. Proc. 29(2): 806, 1970.
____________ "ATP hydrolysis during slow wave repolarization". Biophysical Journal 10: 117, 1970
____________ "Origin and Mechanism of Intestinal Slow Waves." Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 1968. Published in Dissertation Abstracts XXX(1), 1969.
____________ "Origin of slow wave frequency". Fed. Proc. 28(2): 541, 1969.
____________ and B. C. Abbott. "Ionic basis for intestinal slow waves." Fed. Proc. 27: 704, 1968.
Boling, J. L. and D. D. Job "Studies of the influence of estrogens and progesterone effects on abdomino-vaginal electro-potential differences and muscular activity of the vagina in the albino rat." Anatomical Record, 151: 326-327, 1965.
"Calcium ion complexes with phospholipids". Seminar given to the Transport Group at Indiana University Medical School, March, 1973.
NASSHP – “A Systems Biology View of Magnesium and Hypertension in Pregnancy.” Presented at Biennial meeting of the North American Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Kiawah Island Resort, SC, Sept. 7-9, 2012.
Research on Plants by Dr. JobThe study of plants offers interesting parallels to the study of animals. Many of the systems are similar if not identical with respect to the biochemistry, regulatory mechanisms and genomics. Thus for example the plant Arabidopsis thaliana has a very well characterized and annotated genome yet it is smaller (fewer base pairs) than the human genome and more tractable to modification and analysis. Other plants are also well characterized with respect to genes and proteins. Plant hormones may have parallels as well. For example auxin (indole-3-acetic acid or IAA) regulates growth in plants which may be similar in function to growth hormones in the mammal. Conducting research on plants is also easier and more economical than doing animal studies.
For these reasons among others, we have initiated some research on different plant species in part as a preliminary discovery platform that could be carried over into mammalian and human application. The following papers report our recent findings on the sub-tropical plant reputedly offering many health benefits, the Moringa oleifera.
D. D. "Moringa as a Source of Minerals? A Comparison with Corn and
Soybean." First Published to this website, 2018. ca. 19
View the article
Moringa..., 2018a
D. D. "Feasibility of Growing Moringa in a Temperate Climate:
Lessons and Insights I., 2018b. First Published to this website,
2018. ca. 23 pages.
View the article
Moringa..., 2018b
D. D. "Mineral Analysis of Moringa oleifera: Electrolyte
Interactions." 2018c. First Published to this website, 2018. ca. 31
View the article Moringa..., 2018c
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