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Innovative Products Research & Services, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) non profit organization based in Massachusetts
Putting Creativity to Good Use
Chronological Entries 2021-May, 2022+
The Resources List has expanded to the point that it has become increasingly challenging to navigate. As a result, we decided to break it into four separate sites.  There is some overlap; but they are complementary and each should be viewed in order to learn about all of the links to further information on the general topic of disabilities. The present site is arranged chronologically based roughly on the time at which the post was first brought to our attention. There is no attempt to place related topics next to each other. We have however added key words to many of the entries (Re: xxxx ) to facilitate use of a search engine to locate particular items of interest. The other sites you may want to visit are:
Main Disabilities Pages (Original List)
(Some of the following topics are addressed in no particular order)
Go to Drug Dependency Collection
(Some of the following topics are addressed in no particular order)
Recent Chronological List (this one you are on)
(Some of the following topics are addressed in no particular order.
If the topic fits into either the Senior Collection or the Substance Abuse
Collection, then they will be placed on those sites.)
Contact Us for further information on how to help us make a difference for those with disabilities.
Chronological Postings between January, 2021 to present
Danielle Hughes
Re: Vision impairment correction
I represent the Community Outreach team at
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
approximately 12 million people 40 years and over in the US have vision
impairment. 1 million are blind, 3 million have vision impairment after
correction, and 8 million have vision impairment due to uncorrected refractive
Vision Center is an informational web guide created for those
seeking eye surgery and other vision correction options. All content published
on Vision Center is researched, written, and edited by licensed optometrists,
experienced journalists, and other medical writers in the industry. All pages on
our website are fact-based and sourced from recent scientific research,
scholarly articles, textbooks, government agencies, and medical journals. Our
website also does not host any form of advertisement.
Please review our website:
Danielle Hughes, Community Outreach Manager
600 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701
Editor Note: Contrary to claims on the web pages that no advertisements are hosted, some ads do appear.
Outreach Specialist kcody@fiscaltiger.com
Re: Financial support guide for kids with hearing loss
We here at Fiscal Tiger just created a new guide titled "Financial
Guide for Families of Children and Teens with Deafness and Hearing Loss" that I
think would make a great addition to your list. Hearing loss in children and
teens is commonly misinterpreted as a learning or processing disability, or even
as a behavioral issue. However, hearing loss in kids is more common than you
might think. This guide reveals what symptoms to look for in infant, school
aged, and teenage hearing loss, biological and external causes of hearing loss,
and the costs of detecting and treating it. We also provide resources for
college students and parents of teens and kids for extra support.
Editor note: Pop-up ads are irritating and may be difficult to handle with some reading systems.
Re: 45 Hand-picked Disability Scholarships
Hicham brings to our attention a great list of scholarships
available to support advance education of persons with disabilities. It is
titled: 45 Hand-picked Disability Scholarships
Regularly updated (listed by deadline) disability scholarships that
you can apply for, to reduce your fees. Here is the link:
Editor note: Very user-friendly site.
Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN)
35 Halsey St., 4th Floor Newark, NJ 07102, (973) 642-8100
Editor note: See also: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/the-parent-center-network/
Mae Richards
Re: Scholarship resources and programs and comparison of search platforms
I found another scholarship resource that would be a great.
This article was created by a friend who has a
wide variety of knowledge on scholarship search platforms: https://www.ireviews.com/best-scholarship-search-platforms/
- The Best Scholarship Search Platforms.
Mae Richards, Marketing Manager
1228 Harker Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301
Maggie Monroe <maggie.kay.monroe@gmail.com>
Re: Moving Guide for Families of People with Blindness and Vision Impairments
Suggesting U.S. Self Storage's moving guide which will
help readers get a better understanding of how to prepare for a move if they or
someone they know is living with blindness or alternative visual impairment.
Editor note: There are some helpful tips and extra sites mentioned of potential value. Clearly they would like you to use their self-storage services as well.
Doug Crawford <doug@job-applications.com>
Re: Scholarship Programs for Working Parents in Canada
Doug writes: "I am the President of
Job-Applications.com and a senior member of the SHRM community. I am
currently promoting our Canada Working Parent College Scholarship Program.
Here is the link where you can find information on how to apply for the scholarship, and check out the essays and statements from our previous winners. Here is the general link to connecting you with specific employers (mostly retail services): https://ca.job-applications.com/
5/13/21 =============
Mitchell_Cruickshank <cruickshankmitchell@gmail.com
Re: Children's anxiety resources
I think anyone browsing your resources might also like this
curated list of activities that are especially helpful for
children with anxiety.
Jillian Day
Re: Covid-19 related topics and Other Resources
Jillian writes: "Needless to say, 2020 was a difficult year for everyone. But after
having talked to so many people over the past year through my work with
508Assist, I think it was an especially tough one for people with disabilities.
From limited work opportunities to not knowing the government benefits they’ll
receive to having less access to caregivers, the year gave individuals with
disabilities unique obstacles.
Know Your Rights during the COVID-19 Pandemic Series: This series of videos from the National Disability Rights Network offers information on your rights in a variety of scenarios during the pandemic.
What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws: This article explains workers’ rights as they apply to the coronavirus.
Want to Work From Home? Here's How to Find Jobs for Disabled People at Home: This is a great article on how to find a remote position, and this website also has a job board and resume builder.
How to Best Seek Medical Treatment During the Pandemic: This is a great resource for anyone who needs to seek medical treatment now and in the coming months.
Guide to Home Ownership for People With Disabilities: Those with their sights set on homeownership can find all the answers to their questions about the buying process here.
VA Home Loan Calculator: This tool helps vets with disabilities (and those without!) understand what to expect during the home-buying process as well as all the costs.
National Funding Sources for Home Modifications: Even if your insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid don’t cover accessibility modifications, there are other ways to pay for these accommodations.
How to Ease Social Isolation During the Pandemic: This article offers coping strategies to those feeling isolated.
Jillian Day, https://508assist.org/
Riley Haynes <riley.haynes@thederm-review.com>
Re: Guide on physical, mental, skin health for kids and teens - Dermatology
Riley writes: "I noticed you shared the Mental Health America page(www.mentalhealthamerica.net)
on your site. Based on this you might be interested in hearing about our
resource guide on physical, mental, skin health for kids and teens. This guide
highlights why children and teens' mental health is so important, how fitness
impacts the brain, in-school activity breaks and provides ideas for families to
eat healthy diets to name a few."
Here’s the link - https://thedermreview.com/physical-mental-and-skin-health-for-kids-and-teens/
Riley Haynes, Outreach Executive Assistant
Derm Review -
The Dermatology Review, PO Box 639, Kirkland, WA, 98083
Editor note:
Embedded in the foregoing are two additional links. The second one
cites even more links to information and resources on mental health:
Nina Humphrey
Re: Traveling with Disabilities
Traveling by plane is one of the safest methods of travel but
crowded airports, long waits at security checkpoints and baggage restrictions
can make flying a nightmare when you have a disability. Our experts created a
fully accessible guide with tips and tricks to make flying with a disability an
easier, more enjoyable process. Here is the link to our guide:
Olivia Parker
Re: Vision Resources
The Vision Center was built so people could get free and helpful information about vision correction and to
learn what it's like to have low vision or blindness in a world made for those
who don't.
Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a near or distance vision
impairment. In at least 1 billion – or almost half – of these cases, vision
impairment could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed.
According to the CDC, an estimated 93 million adults in the United States are
at high risk for serious vision loss, but only half visited an eye doctor in
the past 12 months.
Olivia Parker, Community Outreach Manager
The Vision Center, 600 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701
Casey Wise <
I noticed a lot of content geared towards the visually impaired seems to be
about simply coping with their condition or finding support, but not a lot
focused on fun activities, so I put together a list of board games for the
blind! I think it would make a fun addition.
Along the same lines, though not focused specifically to visually
impaired individuals, our website also has a great curated list of places to
find audiobooks. I think this might also be very helpful for them:
Also, I just finished an article called "11 Fun And Easy Activities For Seniors With Limited Mobility"
Editor comment: This is a good site that has nice graphics and readable type
Angel Coronado <
Editor Note: The inserted ads are annoying, but the content is otherwise good.
Outreach, KnowYourDNA
121 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801
Editor note:
This site offers a good overview of the various vendors for DNA testing and the key differences between them. One word of caution is the privacy of your data – there are few protections despite company assurances.============
Mell Langley
Re: Cell phone security issues
Mell recommends the following link for a tutorial on security risks
associated with using cell phones.
Editor note: Learn the risks and teach others how to stay safe.
There are also some helpful resources (at the bottom) for selecting
the best cell phone service among the nation’s top carriers for your area and
Meghan, Webmaster
for A Single Mother.org meghan@asinglemother.org
Re: Grants and Benefits for Single Mothers
We are running this site as a team of single moms. We know how hard it is to be
a single mother. That is why we have started this journey. Our site helps single
mothers by listing useful grants, benefits and assistance programs provided by
many public/private organizations and charities. Our articles also give guidance
to single mothers on lots of subjects including but not limited to housing,
rent, childcare, paying for bills, health/medicaid, food/cloth support.
Up to now, we have covered all 50 states and many big cities. We have listed
more than 3000 links for single mothers to various programs/grants/benefits/resources.
Grants for Single Moms - aSingleMother https://www.asinglemother.org/
10/19/21 et al =============
Sarah Breckon
Re: Grief and Depression Understanding.
SingleCare just published a piece called on Understanding Grief
Grief is a natural response to loss, yet can still be difficult to understand. That’s why we created this
medically reviewed guide to provide important tips and resources for those
grieving and their loved ones.
The guide includes:
Olivia Nielsen onielsen@olsca.org
Re: Disaster Preparedness
I'm writing to you on behalf of my daughter, Jenny. Jenny is working on a
community project for her youth group that involves compiling resources about
disaster preparedness and emergency prepping. As part of her project she
recommends a web page on disaster preparedness:
Anthony Palomarez
Re: Accessibility Resources (Perlego books)
We are a textbook subscription service featuring over 650,000 titles across
nearly any non-fiction genre you can think of, helping our users save hundreds
of dollars on books. Our platform is extremely helpful to students, parents and
One connection to disabilities issues is that this platform features a
dedicated e-reader, making it an especially helpful resource for many
browsing your page. Accessibility is extremely important to us. If you're
interested in the other measures we've taken, you can read more about our
commitment to accessibility and the features we have implemented here:
Our website is:
Year 2022
Kristen Edwards <kristen@uphomes.com>
Re: Guide for People with Disabilities: Fire Preparedness
My name is Kristen and I work with Uphomes. We created a resource you may like
that is an excellent starting point for disaster preparedness for people with
One in every five adults living in the United
States has reported a disability. Since people with disabilities face greater
health risks and physical barriers, it is important to understand the different
disability types and to have a plan in place in case of an emergency. Our guide
explains fire safety for the mobility, visually, and cognitively impaired while
also providing recommendations for keeping children with disabilities and
service animals safe. You can check the guide here:
Cora Lewis
Re: Safety in phone use
May I suggest content that your readers may find helpful? Here’s the link:
William Hales
Re: How to set up a Smart Home using your phone, etc.
May I suggest you add the following resource regarding use of assistive devices.
I believe it’s something that your readers
will find very useful. Thanks, William
Editor note: If you find smart phones daunting, consider the complexity of having a Smart Home. The site recommended by William may answer some questions and raise some possibilities for integrating the technology with assistive devices.
Marisa Probst
Re: Disaster planning resource for seniors
My name is Marisa and I'm reaching out on behalf of Rainbow International Restoration. Your
site has an excellent compilation of resources for
the elderly and I’d like to share an additional
free resource, in hopes of this being beneficial.
From accessibility questions to
mobility issues, disaster planning for seniors looks different than disaster
planning for someone under the age of 65.
Within our guide, Disaster Planning and Recovery for Seniors, we've
included how to make an emergency plan, building emergency kits, evacuation
plans, pet safety, and more. I believe your audience could benefit from this
guide as a crucial reminder to be ready for anything to keep yourself and your
loved ones safe during the unexpected.
Marisa Probst, Outreach Coordinator
Note: Rainbow
International Restoration has franchisees all over the United States.
Skylar Johnson <Skylar@mesotheliomahope.com>
Re: Mesothelioma resources
My name is Skylar and I work for the advocacy organization, Mesothelioma Hope.
At Mesothelioma Hope, we offer free resources that are reviewed by certified
oncologists and provide detailed information about mesothelioma and its health
impacts. Our mission is to raise awareness about cancer and other
asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma. Please invite readers to view
our link here:
Skylar Johnson - Advocacy Associate
1330 Boylston Street, Suite 400
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Tel. (855) 722-2974
Editor note:
While many of the resources mentioned on this site are specific to the greater
Boston area, there are also some national resources highlighted.
Hailey Dawn Stratton <mshaileystratton@gmail.com
Re: Games and Activities for Autistic Children
I just wanted to suggest an additional resource you might like to include. It's
a curated list of games and activities that are especially helpful for children
with autism.
Editor note:
There is a good list of references on autism at the end of the article.
Dave Adams <dave@safenetexperts.com>
Re: Helpful apps for readers who have kids with learning disabilities
I’ve been roaming the net browsing on the subject of dyslexia I wanted to thank you for
mentioning learning disabilities on your site. I chanced upon an article that
lists 20 apps for kids with dyslexia and learning disabilities. It’s super
informative, and mentions quite a few apps I wouldn’t have found on my own.
Editor note: This reference provides a long list of apps complete with descriptions and graphics.
Heidi Elmore<heidiparis.outreach@gmail.com>
Re: Event Planning incorporating Accessibility Concerns
My name is Heidi, an outreach coordinator for Eternal Flowers (Le JardinInfini).
Eternal Flowers has created a guide
with great information on creating accessible events for people with
disabilities. The guide covers many accessibility topics and some of the
barriers you might need to address when creating accessible events. Our goal is
to help entertainment spaces be all-inclusive to every individual. Here is the
Guide to Accessible Event Planning
Heidi Paris
Aislinn Carter <hello@aislinncarter.me>
Re: A New Resource for Visually Impaired College Students
Starting college can be a daunting experience for any prospective student, especially
when you consider that 1 in 4 young people aged 16 to 25 have some form of
visual impairment. Iprsinc.org
dedicated to providing informative resources to help those affected by this, I
would love to share this recently published Guide
for Visually Impaired College Students.
The guide was reviewed by
Justin Romack who knows first hand what these
students are experiencing. As well as this, he recently has earned the
distinction as a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core
Competencies through the International Association of
Accessibility Professionals.
Aislinn Carter, Creative Copywriter
Editor note: All About Vision and Essilor Luxottica are the hosts for this very
ambitious website that provide many resources for the visually impaired. They
have a global focus as well as providing local contacts to specialists in the
United States and elsewhere.
Tony Randall
Re: Applying for a job when over 40 years old – Do’s and Don’ts
I'm with resume.io. We recently put together a resource on helping senior
citizens avoid or combat against age discrimination when searching for a job. I
think it would make a great addition to your website.
Resume.io is based in Netherlands but the counsel is applicable most everywhere.
Alvis Graham
Re: Benefits and risks of electric powered bicycles
I thought you might be interested in this page that could help people like me
who are interested in this topic. Here’s the link:
Fly Rides USA, 12544 Kirkham Ct Suite 2, Poway, CA 92064, (619) 789-6634
Emily Baker <emily@homeschoolingadventures.net>
Re: Sports, Games and Exercises for Seniors
I am a teaching volunteer with
Homeschooling Adventures. Currently, we are teaching the students about moral &
social responsibility to our seniors and how we can keep seniors healthy
mentally & physically. As a part of the assignment one of my students, Jason,
did some research and found this senior resource page -
I think your visitors will find it useful for senior fun and fitness.
Emily Baker | Teaching Volunteer, Homeschooling Adventures
3/18/22 (and 3/20)
Clement Spielman
Re: Internet Security
I have a supporting resource that would be appropriate to your page. Here’s the
8/24/21 to 3/8/22
Nicole_Reynolds nicole@newmouth.com
Re: Disability and Dental Support
We would love for our organization to be included as another
https://www.newmouth.com/oral-health/effects/ valuable resource on your Disabilities Resources page. We
just added our new page on "Effects of Diabetes on Oral Health" here:https://www.newmouth.com/oral-health/effects/diabetes/.
People with diabetes are also more likely to develop serious oral conditions.
This includes infections and pain that can affect your teeth, gums, jaw, tongue,
palate, cheeks, or the bottom of your mouth.
Nicole Reynolds, New Mouth Community Outreach
1550 Wewatta St., Denver, CO 80202
Editor Note:
Good content on oral health which is an area often over-looked in care for folks
with disabilities. We cannot vouch for advertisers embedded in their pages.
Chad West
Re: Data to help in selecting among cable TV providers in your area.
I came across your page and found it really interesting. I have complementary
resources that I believe your readers may find useful. Here’s the link:
Best Regards, Chad
Editor note: This is a good tool to compare prices and options for all major cable providers in any region of the U.S. It also offers suggestions for activities besides watching TV.
Alysson Webb
Re: Assistive Technology and Learning Disabilities
My name is Alysson Webb, and I am a
contributor to the StudyCorgi blog about writing and academic tips. Our team
just recently released an article called "The Future Is Here: Assistive
Technology for Learning Disabilities". This is an overview article on how
modern assistive technologies can help students with learning disabilities in
the educational process. Here is the link:
Alysson Webb | writer and blogger at
Elvira Margie for World Crutches
Re: Resources for use of crutches and guides to donate or find them near your area.
One site recommended is: Where to Donate/Rent Crutches
This site provides a complete directory of National and State Programs on
where to donate crutches and other medical equipment and where such might be
rented or obtained for little to nothing if needed. The main site also has
numerous articles about use of crutches and various alternative designs and
A related article entitled: "12 Ways to stay positive while recovering on crutches" may also be of interest. Referred by Elvira Margie.
Jim Roberts, Content Coordinator, MyMove, LLC
Re: Moving tips for deaf people
Our team has created a guide that focuses on moving tips for hard-of-hearing dwellers.
We know that 37.5 million Americans report trouble with hearing and moving can pose many challenges with
communication and safety. While technology has been very helpful for the deaf
community or those suffering with hearing loss, activities like relocating can
be stressful.
Our community resource is completely free and includes:
MYMOVE, LLC, 1101 Red Ventures Drive, Fort Mill, South Carolina, 29707
Marisa Probst <marisaprobst.outreach@gmail.com>
Re: Tutors to support students with special needs.
Marisa advocates for an organization, GoStudent, that provides for on-line tutors in a
wide variety of disciplines and for students with a variety of different
abilities and interests. One of the areas is providing at home on-line tutoring
to students with autism.
Editor: GoStudent GmbH was founded as a for profit organization in Vienna in 2016. Currently, GoStudent is serving customers in 23 countries. Via its platform, GoStudent provides paid, one-to-one, video-based instruction to primary, secondary and college-aged students in 30+ subjects, using a membership model. On-line reviews are mixed; so, do your due diligence before subscribing to their services. This does not detract from the value of their articles.
Laura Jacobs <laura@resumebuilder.com>
Re: Resume Assistance for Job Seeking Persons Differently Abled
People with disabilities encounter numerous challenges in securing employment.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 17.9 percent of persons
with a disability were employed compared to 61.8 percent for persons without a
Our resource is focused on helping people with disabilities create a strong
resume that would help increase their chances of getting hired. Important
information such as laws that protect their rights and dealing with workplace
discrimination and harassment are also included to help prepare for employment.
View the guide here:
We believe that landing a job and building the perfect
resume should be simple. With your help, we can create awareness about tools and
resources that can help readers take control of their careers.
Laura Jacobs, Outreach & Communications Coordinator, ResumeBuilder.com
Editor: Included in this guide are a number of
additional links to resources directed to connect applicants to employers who
are “friendly” to folks needing special accommodations.
5/21/22Editor note: The link above is but one of many resources available on their professionally vetted website covering a variety of health related concerns.
Sarah Breckon writes on
behalf of Purple.com, a mattress company: “Children on the autism spectrum can
face many challenges, including settling into a calm state so they can fall
asleep and benefit from a good night’s rest. That’s why a guide was created.
It covers:
Establishing a Bedtime Routine for Children With ASD
Carol Wright,
webmaster of FreeGrantsForVeterans. This site helps low income veterans with
finding financial assistance programs. The website
comprehensive details on grants for veterans for all states and many major
cities. These grants are given away for free to eligible low income veterans
and they could help with bills, mortgage, rent, housing, college, and
medications . One may apply for multiple grants to ensure your needs are met.
Click on the following link to get started:
Morgan Dyers writes on behalf
of zocdoc.com about Sleep and Mental Health in an article entitled "The
Psychology of Sleep: Understanding Mental Health's Impact on Sleep" on Zocdoc's
blog. The article delves into the relationship between mental health and sleep,
providing insights on how mental health conditions can disrupt sleep patterns
and vice versa.
While 10-18% of American adults experience sleep issues, the number jumps to 50-80% when looking at a typical psychiatric office’s patients. These numbers seem to suggest a connection between mental health and sleep. Learn more at the link below.
Barbara Vargas,
Community Outreach from| KnowYourDNA, based in Coconut
Grove, FL submits an article, "How to Get Energy Without Caffeine"
provides valuable insights on how to increase energy levels without relying on
caffeine or other stimulants. https://knowyourdna.com/energy-without-caffeine/
Molly Smith from KnowYourDNA
based in Coconut Grove, FL submits an article entitled “Can allergies make you
https://knowyourdna.com/can-allergies-make-you-tired/ The
obvious answer is Yes. And the article goes on to offer some solutions as well
as emphasizing the connection between tiredness and mental well being.
Frances Mathis
a senior Business Management major currently studying the
principles of Workplace Ergonomics. She writes, “as part of my studies, I have
been conducting research on how ergonomic design can help office workers avoid
work-related disorders.”
She recommends the following link: https://www.pcliquidations.com/workplace-ergonomics.
For those interested in the role of your work environment in your health and bodily comfort, This is a well-researched treatise with nearly 20 references.
Lily Whittemoore,
is a
social worker from WillyGoat.com in Mobile, Alabama. WillyGoat is
a small business specializing in playground equipment for over 20 years. They
have created an informative article on their website that makes the case for the
need for children to have more outdoor activities (and less electronic device
time) to aid in their development. You can read it here:
The article is complete with good references and links to further information.
You may also call
Carol Wright,
webmaster for
The site claims to have the largest
directory of financial assistance programs for blacks. Their database lists
grants and financial assistance programs in all 50 states and DC. It also offers
details on programs that help blacks with finding help with groceries, utility
bills, rent, college, medications, childcare, medical bills, housing, and more.
Jerry Scott is one of three partners in a worthy enterprise of developing
a website to help people/families of low income. Their website (grantsforlowincome.org )
provides a directory of grants and benefits for low-income people and families.
They list more than 1000 resources for ones who need financial, housing and
healthcare assistance. The website is easy to navigate to search by either
state or cities (not all states or cities are included) and other categories as
listed below. https://guideforlowincome.com/
Kevin Dawson, writer and editor at
the PsychologyWriting.com blog “offers a
well-written/designed piece called
"Low-Stress Jobs for People with Anxiety."
The writers provide pros and cons for various types of jobs with respect to
suitability for people with various anxieties.
Editor note: If your job has you stressed out, this blog could be a life saver.
Jeffery Breed
from onlinesafetymasters.com brought to our attention a reminder of the
importance of assuring the protection of personal data. “Security
researcher Jeremiah Fowler recently discovered and reported to
vpnMentor a non-password protected database that contained nearly
50,000 records. The publicly exposed documents were invoices belonging to a
special education and behavioral health service provider for school children.The article can be viewed at the
link below. It provides an in-depth analysis of the breach and its implications
for special educationinstitutions serving individuals with special needs. https://www.vpnmentor.com/news/report-encore-breach/.
Editor: This site is for more technically inclined users who seek a higher level of on-line security that is afforded by Virtual Private Networks (VPN).
one of the developers of a site for single mothers, writes:
“Me and my friends have built a website named "A Single Mother" located at the
link below. Our site helps struggling low-income single mothers with
finding/locating the grants/programs they need.” Our platform offers a wealth
of resources on government grants, educational grants, and financial aid
programs, including the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
Pell Grants. Whether it is child care support, housing aid, or scholarships, our
goal is to empower single moms with the knowledge and resources they need for a
brighter future.
Editor: This website is visually very appealing and easy to navigate, well worth a visit.
Emily Thompson
suggests a website that is useful for getting money-saving coupons. That is the
good news. The bad news is that most of the businesses appear to be outside the U.S.
But if you travel a lot or live in Canada, UK or Australia, it might be worth
checking out. Here is the link:https://couponado.com/
Mrs. G.
(Anita Gianakas),
Librarian writes that a student volunteer Sarah recommends the “Guide for
Families of Children with Autism.” It teaches parents how to navigate life with
autistic children, including common behavior traits, how to help and how the
impact it might have on the entire family. There's also additional support
information and resources to help their child adjust and succeed in their day to
day life. The resource is hosted by a Texas law firm. To learn more, click on
the following link:
Editor: Thank you Sarah for your suggestion. Best wishes in your studies!
Elizabeth Dean,
and advisor writes: For an assignment, one of our students, Jeremy, did
some research for his extra credit and found this article by Emily Waters
entitled: “Speech
Pathology 2.0: The Latest Technologies Transforming Speech Therapy.” It
provides insight into traditional types of speech therapy as well as newer
technology-assisted methods. The article starts out by explaining: “Speech
therapy, also known as speech-language therapy, is a specialized discipline
dedicated to helping individuals overcome speech and language disorders.
"It’s not just about pronunciation; it’s about enabling people to connect, express themselves, and participate fully in society. Whether it’s a child struggling with articulation, an adult recovering from a stroke, or someone with a lifelong speech disorder, speech therapy is a lifeline. It’s a domain where every small improvement can lead to monumental changes in a person’s life.” To learn more, see the following link.
Sarah Breckon
from NursingEducation.org brings to our attention an article written by
Abby McCoy entitled: “Navigating
Healthcare for Children With Autism.”
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can make navigating a child’s healthcare needs complicated. Our guide, written specifically with insight from nurses, covers essential medical knowledge for parents and caregivers of children with ASD, including:
To learn more select the following link:
Hazel Young writes: We have built a website located at https://homelessshelters.net/ which
is a directory of homeless shelters in all 50 states. We all know housing is
simply the #1 issue for the ones who are low-income seniors, single mothers,
veterans, disabled and unemployed. That is why we are listing all homeless
shelters across the country with necessary details like contact info and
services provided. Website: https://homelessshelters.net/
Many services and benefits are provided by those 6000+ shelters
listed. We have one goal only: To help people in need of shelter and
housing. Since we began, thousands have used
information here to find the homeless shelter they need. We are helping people
with: Housing, Food, Health, Social Services, and Educational Courses.
To contact us, use the following: Email: homelesssheltersnet@gmail.com
Sarah Breckon from
NursingEducation.org shares a recently updated resource entitled:
Nursing Career Guide for People With Disabilities
Abby McCoy, RN, BSN.
This website explains the need for various types of nurses as well as
accommodations appropriate for varying disabilities. Some of the topics covered
Here is the link:
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