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Innovative Products Research & Services, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) non profit
organization based in Massachusetts
Putting Creativity to Good Use
IPRS Projects
Support Opportunities
IPRS provides many opportunities for volunteers, donors and collaborators. Volunteer opportunities range from the low tech to the high tech - from simple searches on the internet to sophisticated software development and product design. Donor opportunities range from small regular gifts, one-time gifts, Gift certificates, enroll in the Amazon Smile program to designate IPRS as your favorite charity, to major program support. IPRS is also open to collaboration with university, government or industrial laboratories.
The Magnesium Project
The Magnesium Project currently offers the most opportunities for financial, volunteer and/or collaborative support. Specific areas are outlined below.
Basic Research - Genomics, Proteomics, Model systems, etc.
Specific diseases (see list below)
Nutrition for Mothers and Infants
Education / publications
Product development
Under genomics and proteomics, animal model studies are proposed to determine regulatory and control genes and proteins involved in Mg absorption, transport, distribution and excretion.
Under model systems, a project for persons with computer science and/or mathematics backgrounds is defined to provide resources for solving complex mathematical problems such as those using Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (ODE and PDE).
Would you like to adopt a disease and become our resident expert? Templates are available and resources identified to provide regular additions to our databases on a number of important diseases - ones for which cations like Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium play substantial roles. Listed below are some of the diseases we are tracking. The rationale, biochemical and clinical basis for these choices will be provided in other web pages that are under development. For an overview see the Diseases page.
Cancer (especially prostate and breast cancer)
Muscular Dystrophy and related muscle disorders
Multiple Sclerosis and other auto-immune disorders
Neuromuscular pain
Nutritional deficits in Hypomagnesemia
Parkinson's and Huntington's disease
The program for Nutrition for Mothers and Infants is centered around correcting the deficits in mineral and vitamin intake in pregnant women through developing educational materials and distribution channels.
Advocacy programs rely upon development of White Papers and use of social media and internet connections for contacting thought leaders and decision makers in government, private health care delivery and non-profit sectors.
Education and publications programs include collaborating with NGOs, government and private organizations to develop and distribute educational material to several target audiences including general public, health care advocates and health care professionals.
In the product development area, there is an urgent need for developing a more cost effective and reliable probe for measuring magnesium levels in body fluids. Initial development work is under way.
Environmental Solutions Project
There are a number of opportunities to assist in the advocacy for the adoption of certain technologies that will lead to reduction in pollution from transportation, and various commercial/ industrial processes and waste disposal practices. There are also needs for financial support and collaborative development in specific areas including low polluting, highly efficient vehicle, reduction on indoor air pollution (bio-hazards, volatile organics, etc.). See for example Inventor's Highlight. We have access to technology that can reduce the plastics that currently contaminate our oceans, rivers and landfills and capture energy from them to reduce demand on utilities.
IPRS Operations
We can always use people's input on enhancing our web pages to make them more interactive and informative. Currently, we are looking to incorporate animation into one or more of our web pages to illustrate feedback control processes in cells and systems.
Volunteers can also be utilized for a variety of fund raising activities including identification of grant sources and developing disease-specific grant proposals (such as for neurological, muscular and metabolic diseases). Development of sponsors for various web pages is also desired.
Software Development
Expert Systems
Smart Phone applications
Nutrition analysis
Disabilities Resources
Blogs and Community Development
Database Collections
Would you like to participate? Find out about different programs by sending us an email at donjob@enbede.com expressing your interest. Or, let us know your interests by completing the IPRS Community Profile form.
IPRS is a registered user of several volunteer opportunities services. Principal among these is VolunteerMatch whose website can be accessed here: Volunteer Match or copy and paste the following into your browser: https://www.volunteermatch.org
IPRS also qualifies as a charitable non-profit for the purposes of court-stipulated community service projects.
Would you like to make a financial contribution? Go directly to the Donate page.
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February 16, 2024